Sunday, June 22, 2014

Butterfly Moth

The other day I was weeding in my front 

garden and something flew out and startled


It landed on the top of the bush. So I went and

got my little Kodak which I always take out with

me when gardening.

Lucky for me that it just stood there for a long


I really love the colors - the tan, beige and the
blues - it reminded me of a peacock.

So pretty!

The front - face and legs reminds me of a spider.

I looked it up on google and found what the

name of it is -  Polyphemus Moth.

This is one reason that I don't mind weeding -

I always seem to find something new to learn.


Sunday, May 18, 2014

Baby Robin

As I was coming up my walk the

other day; I spotted a little 

bird running in my flower bed. 

I went to take a closer look

and he ran under the Spirea bush.

I thought he was hurt.

Last night while weeding I spotted

him again; only to my surprise he

was in the small fir tree - just

sitting there. 

Small Robin - Kodak - 2014
 I asked him if he was hurt (o;

He didn't appear to be scared of 

me; so I grabbed my camera and took

a photo. 

I hope that it's not hurt in any

way - he would make an easy prey - 

which made me sad.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gulls at Longs Park
Not called Sea Gulls as I had originally

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

                                     A Bird's eye view